How Long Does Grout Take to Dry

Grout is a common material used for filling gaps and crevices between ceramic tiles or stones, and it plays an essential role in ensuring the durability and longevity of any tile installation project. The grouting process involves mixing a mixture of water, cement, and sand to form a paste-like substance that is applied between the new tiles. Once applied, the grout must dry completely before the floor tiles can be used or walked on. But how long does it take grout to dry, and what factors affect grout drying time?

The different drying times of grout can vary depending on a few different factors, such as the grout type being used, the humidity and temperature of the environment, the size and depth of the grout lines, and the amount of ventilation in the room. The type of grout being used is one of the most significant factors affecting drying time.

how long does grout take to dry

Different types of grout

Typically, these are the most commonly used grout types:

Cementitious grout

Cement grout is the most commonly used type and is made from a mixture of cement, sand, and water. However, there is also unsanded grout that is less gritty and can be used for small seams only.

Epoxy-based grouts

Epoxy resin grout, on the other hand, is made from a combination of epoxy resins and hardeners. Epoxy grout can be more challenging to work with and requires a more precise mixing ratio than cement-based grout.

Furan Grout

Furan grout is more expensive to install and requires a wax grout sealant to prevent stains.

Cement-based grout typically takes 24-72 hours to dry completely, depending on factors such as humidity levels, temperature, and the size of the grout joints. Epoxy-based grout, on the other hand, can dry much faster, typically taking between 4 and 6 hours to set and 24 to 48 hours to cure fully. Furan grout takes around 24 hours to dry.

Factors affecting the grout dry time


Humidity is an essential factor that can affect the drying time of new grout. If the indoor humidity level in the room is high, it can take extra time for the grout to dry completely. In contrast, low humidity levels can speed up the drying process. Weather changes can affect the humidity levels in the house, so be aware of any wet weather coming up that may cause high humidity when planning your tiling project.


Temperature can also affect the drying time of grout, with warmer temperatures typically resulting in faster drying times. As a rule of thumb, the ideal temperature range for grout drying is between 50 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit. While this can be easily controlled indoors by running the air conditioner or heat, that is not the case with exterior projects.

Size of grout lines

The size and depth of the grout lines are also important factors to consider when estimating drying time. Smaller grout lines will dry faster than larger grout lines, as there is less surface area for the moisture to evaporate. Deeper grout lines will also take longer to dry than shallow grout lines, as there is more material that needs to dry. Be sure that you are removing any excess grout and not overfilling the lines. If you’re working with deeper grout lines, it may be necessary to extend the drying time to ensure that the grout is completely dry before using or walking on the tiles.


Adequate ventilation is necessary to allow the moisture in the grout to evaporate and helps with curing time. If the room is poorly ventilated, the average drying time may be longer than expected. It’s essential to keep the room well-ventilated during the drying process, either by opening windows or using a fan to circulate the air.

How to know when your grout is dry

If you’re unsure about the drying time for your grout, you can perform a simple test to check its dryness. Gently touch the grout with your fingertip. If the grout feels dry and doesn’t leave any residue on your finger, it’s likely ready. If it still feels wet or sticky, it needs more time to dry.

While waiting for your grout to dry, it’s essential to avoid any excess moisture or foot traffic on the tiles. Too much moisture can slow down the drying process, while foot traffic can damage the grout and cause it to crack or break. You don’t want to risk messing up all your hard work!

What is the difference between dry time and cure time of grout?

Grout dry time and grout cure time are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different stages in the grouting process.

Grout dry time

Dry time refers to the amount of time it takes for the grout to dry and harden to the point where it can be walked on or used. This stage typically takes between 24 to 72 hours for most types of grout. During this time, the grout will continue to lose moisture and harden, but it may still be susceptible to cracking or crumbling if it is disturbed or exposed to water.

Grout cure time

Cure time, on the other hand, refers to the amount of time it takes for the grout to fully cure and reach its maximum strength and durability. This stage can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the type of grout and the conditions in which it was applied. During the curing process, the grout will continue to lose moisture and harden, but it will also undergo a chemical reaction that creates a stronger, more durable bond between the grout and the surrounding materials.

It is important to note that while grout may be dry to the touch after 24 to 48 hours, it is still not fully cured and should be treated with care to avoid damaging or compromising the grout’s integrity. For example, it is recommended to avoid exposing the grout to water or heavy foot traffic for at least three days after it has been applied and to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the grout.

Why is my grout not drying?

In some cases, you may find that your grout isn’t drying correctly or is taking much longer than expected. If this happens, it’s essential to identify the cause of the problem. One common issue is using too much water when mixing the grout. If the grout is too thin, it can take longer to dry and may even crack or break. Similarly, if the grout is too thick, it can also take longer to dry and may not adhere correctly to the tiles.

In conclusion, the drying time of grout can vary depending on several factors, including the type of grout being used, the humidity and temperature of the environment, the size and depth of the grout lines, and the amount of ventilation in the room. While most grout manufacturers’ instructions recommend waiting 24 to 72 hours before using or walking on the grouted area, it’s a good idea to carefully check different areas of the grout to be sure it’s dry.

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