How to get rid of flies in a garage

If you’re here you may be wondering, why are there a ton of flies in my garage? There are several reasons why you might find flies in your garage and it’s never fun to discover a fly infestation. People keep a lot of things in the garage that they do not want to keep in their house such as a trash bag before taking it to the outdoor receptacle, bags of garden soil, compost bins, recycling bins, pet food, and more. It’s not surprising with the large open garage doors and all of the things that are typically kept in there that flies find their way into a garage.

The most effective way to get rid of flies in your garage is to kill them using the homemade plastic bottle fly trap trick or store bought fly traps. You can also use an electric fly swatter and sticky traps as a quick remedy to the fly problem in your garage. These methods are very effective in getting rid of existing flies, but it is important that you clean out anything that may be attracting them so that you don’t find yourself with the same fly infestation problem again. Get rid of the source before you tackle the fly problem.

get rid of files in a garage

Remedies to get rid of flies

Homemade plastic bottle fly trap

This is a very popular and effective method and involves items that you are likely to already have around your home. You simply need to cut a plastic bottle in half and then place the top upside down into the bottom half of the bottle and fill it with some water and fly bait. The bait can be fruit, sugar water, honey water, soda, fruit juice, or anything else sweet and smelly that you have around the house. Pro tip: Add a couple drops of dish soap as this coats the wings of the flies and is an extra measure to ensure they don’t escape. Watch the video below to see how you can make your own plastic bottle fly trap:

Electric fly swatter

This is a very effective and quick method (and probably our favorite), however, it requires you to do most of the work. These fly swatters are not something you set out and leave for the flies to fly into, as those kinds of electric lights are dangerous when you have kids or pets around. This is a fly swatter that has an electric current when you push a button and kills the fly when it comes into contact with the swatter. Here is the one that we own and love: electric fly swatter

Vinegar and dish soap fly trap

For this method, mix about ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and a couple of drops of dish soap in a glass and short vase. Flies will be attracted to the vinegar and when they try to land on it the dish soap will cause them to sink rather than land on the surface. If you find that they are flying out, you can put a piece of plastic wrap over the top, secure it with a rubber band and poke holes in the for the flies to go through (without being able to fly back out). This method is effective for getting rid of fruit flies as well.

Sticky fly traps

Sticky fly traps are also inexpensive and effective and a good option for a garage rather than inside your home as they can be a bit messy. These are exactly what they sound like: long sticky strips or tubes that hang down and trap the flies when they land. Here are some that we have found work quite well: sticky fly trap

What attracts flies

Flies can be attracted to your home or garage for many reasons:

  • Garbage left uncovered
  • Fresh or fermenting fruit sitting out
  • Pet feces
  • Sweet liquids
  • Pet food
  • Dirty drains
  • Fertilizer

Knowing what attracts flies is the first step to getting rid of them. Find out what the flies are attracted to in your garage and remove it before trying any of the remedies to get rid of them because the fly problem will continue until the source has been removed.

How to keep flies away

If you’re going to be hosting a picnic or cookout and want to keep the inevitable flies away from all the yummy food, there are several things you can do:

Use a fly fan

This is hands down the best way we have found to keep flies away from your food table. No more standing over the food and swatting at the flies for the entire cookout; these fans do the work for you. I wish we had found these sooner! If you chose only one of the methods listed, this would be the one we recommend! We love these: fly fan for tables

Fly repelling citronella candle

Before your guests arrive, light a citronella candle in the area to repel flies and keep them away as you begin to serve food. Here is a great option: citronella candle

Hang Fly Magnet control trap

These traps are definitely a fly magnet and will attract flies to them and away from areas. Hang these out of the way at the corners of your garage: fly magnet trap

Disposable fly trap

These traps are easy to set up in your garage as an ongoing method of control. You simply add water and the bait is already inside. This disposable fly trap will attract flies to it and away from other unwanted areas.

Keep the area clean and tidy

It is important to remove what attracts the flies to begin with, so cleaning up the area and removing any waste or food items is the most important thing you can do to get rid of flies. In the garage, you should take out all trash, seal pet food containers, cover recycling bins and get rid of any food.

Say bye to flies

Flies can be a real nuisance when they infest your garage, but if you know what attracts them, it is much easier to keep them at bay. And for those times when you know they will come around, plan ahead and be sure to use some type of fly repellent. With all the methods listed above, you are sure to find one that works best for you and get rid of all those flies in your garage for good!

If you’re dealing with pests in your garage, hold up a minute…and check out this article about how to to get of mice in your garage!

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