How to get rid of mice in the garage quickly

A garage is the perfect inviting place for mice to invade for several common reasons. The garage may provide a dry or warm place for mice to dwell if the weather has been particularly wet or cold. People also tend to store things like bird seed, grass seed, pet food, and maybe even their own excess dry foods that won’t fit in their pantry. Mice are able to slip through the smallest of spaces, so if there are any gaps around your garage door, they can easily slip in. With a garage, of course, there are also many times when we leave the garage door open for a longer period of time if we are doing work on a car or other home project.

To get mice out of the garage, the quickest option is to set a trap near any place where you see droppings or other debris from the rodents. There are several mouse trap options that are easy to use and also several humane alternatives as well. The best options are listed below. Some mouse traps are better than others if you have pets or children, as the cleanup is easier and does not involve poisons.

getting mice out of the garage

Mouse trap options

Mouse bait/poison traps

When it comes to setting mouse traps in the garage it is important to be mindful of who else might come into contact with them. Since there tends to be a lot of foot traffic through the garage, it is not advised to use any type of mouse poison or bait because it is toxic to children and pets and therefore, not ideal for a garage setting where your family might come into contact with the bait

Spring mouse traps

These types of traps are an inexpensive and fairly easy option to get rid of mice in garage settings. They are very effective and also one of the quickest ways to get rid of mice in the garage. They should be set near any mouse droppings or other debris that you see from the mice and checked frequently since they do work so quickly. Please be aware that these types of mouse traps are not a humane option and they will kill the mouse.

Sticky mouse traps

These are also an inexpensive and effective option that works very quickly. The downside to sticky traps is that it is nearly impossible to free a live mouse that has become stuck on the trap and is probably even a bit more inhumane than the spring traps. This option may also not be the best option in a garage where kids or pets could accidentally come into contact with them.

Live mouse traps

Obviously, this is going to be the most humane option because, as the name suggests, the traps are designed to catch the mouse alive and then you can release it somewhere, preferably far from your home. Be sure to check these frequently, so that the mouse is still alive when you get to it. These are a bit more expensive but can be used over and over again, so they will definitely be worth the extra cost after several uses.

Pet cats

Another option is to simply let your cat spend some time in the garage doing what they do best…hunting for small rodents. You know those fun surprises they sometimes bring home to you?  In this case, that unpleasant hobby will come in handy. Cats will be able to sniff them out and rid your garage of the little mouse invaders.

How to keep mice out of the garage

If you have found a mouse in the garage and were able to get rid of it successfully, you may now be wondering how you can keep mice out of your garage. There are several things you can do to prevent mice and even deter them from coming into your garage in the first place

Declutter the garage

The first thing to do is to clean up and declutter the garage to make sure you have completely gotten rid of any mice and any of their droppings they have left behind. Clean up any areas or materials where the mice would begin to nest and hide out.

Remove all food sources

Remove all food sources like bird seed, human food, fertilizers, and your pet’s food from the garage or place them in an airtight container that they cannot chew through. This may not be what they are initially after as they may simply be seeking shelter, but any food sources are more than enough reason to convince them to stay.

Use peppermint

If you have kids or pets and don’t want to use harsh chemicals to keep the mice away, peppermint is a deterrent for mice that works well and is safe. You can use peppermint oils or peppermint extract mixed with water and spray liberally around the perimeter of your garage. You can even use this trick on your car if you park it in the garage by simply adding peppermint oil to a q-tip and placing it under your floor mats in the glove box.

Apple cider vinegar

Another environmentally friendly option is to use a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water and spray around the perimeter of the garage. The downside to this is that it smells just as bad to humans as it does to the mice, so it might not be the best option for that reason, although it is effective.

Seal all holes and cracks

This is the most important thing that you must to do keep mice out of your garage. If there is a way in, they will certainly come inside. Even if there isn’t a clear way in, they often find a way in any way – don’t make it easy for them. Carefully walk the inner and outer perimeter and check for any cracks or smalls holes.

How do you know if you have mice in your garage?

There are several signs you can look for when checking to see if mice have gotten into your garage. Check all bags that contain food sources to see if there are any holes or signs of chewing. You can look for droppings as this is often the most obvious way to tell if you have an infestation of mice. It helps to move items around to check for droppings or signs of nesting in any sort of softer materials that may be laying around. Sometimes your problem may be as obvious as seeing a furry little mouse scamper across the floor and there is no clearer sign than that!

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