How To Store Paint Rollers

Paint rollers are a staple in any DIY enthusiast or professional painter’s toolkit. They allow you to apply paint smoothly and evenly to a surface, saving you a lot of time and effort compared to completing the same job with a paintbrush.

If you’re like me, some jobs would probably be too time consuming or overwhelming without the use of rollers. If you don’t store your paint rollers properly, however, they can become stiff, shed fibers, or even grow mold, which can make them difficult or even impossible to use again.

Paint rollers should be clean and completely dry before you store them for a long period of time. However, if you plan to use them again right away, you can store them in an airtight plastic bag or container so that the paint will not dry out and it will be ready to use again straight out of the bag. If you need to store them overnight with paint on them, place them in a plastic bag and then put them in the refrigerator.

how to store paint rollers

Here’s a step-by-step guide that I use to store paint rollers for longer periods of time after a paint job is done.

(click here for more tips on storing rollers with paint on them)

1. Clean the roller thoroughly before storing it (if your paint job is done)

This is the most important step in storing your paint rollers, as dried paint can cause the roller to become stiff and difficult to use. To clean the roller, follow these steps:

  • Rinse the roller under running water to remove any excess paint.
  • Wipe the roller down with a cloth or sponge to remove any remaining paint or debris.
  • If the roller is particularly dirty or has been used with oil-based paint, you may need to use a mild detergent to fully remove the paint. Simply mix a small amount of dish soap with warm water, and use a cloth or sponge to scrub the roller. Rinse the roller thoroughly to remove all traces of soap.

2. Dry the roller completely before storing it

Once you’ve cleaned the roller, it’s important to dry it thoroughly before storing it. This will prevent the roller from becoming moldy or developing a musty smell. To dry the roller, follow these steps:

  • Gently squeeze the roller to remove excess water.
  • Lay the roller flat on a clean, dry surface. Avoid hanging the roller to dry, as this can cause the fibers to become misshapen.
  • If the roller is particularly wet or you live in a humid climate, you may need to dry the roller more thoroughly. In this case, you can use a hair dryer on a low or medium heat setting to speed up the drying process. Alternatively, you can place the roller in a warm, dry place, such as on top of a radiator or in a sunny spot, to help it dry more quickly.

3. Store the roller in a dry, cool place

Once the roller is fully dry, it’s important to store it in a place that is dry and cool. Avoid storing the roller in damp or humid areas, as this can cause the roller to become moldy. If you live in a humid climate, consider storing the roller in a plastic bag or container to protect it from moisture.

4. Wrap in plastic

If you need to store the roller for an extended period of time, consider wrapping it in plastic wrap or placing it in a plastic bag to keep it clean and protected from dust and debris. This is especially important if you won’t be using the roller for longer periods of time.

5. Store several rollers in an airtight container

If you have multiple paint rollers, consider storing them in a larger plastic container. This will help keep them organized and easily accessible, and will also protect them from damage. A plastic storage bin or toolbox with dividers is a good option, as it will keep the rollers secure and prevent them from getting squashed or bent.

By following these simple steps, you can help ensure that your paint rollers stay in good condition and are ready to use whenever you need them. Not to mention, saving a little money by reusing your rollers which can be pretty pricey.

Storing paint rollers with paint on them

Washing rollers out can take a long time to get them totally clean, so if you are going to be painting over several days, you definitely do not want to have to clean them each time you paint. I have found a successful way to store my paint rollers for a few hours or even overnight without the paint drying out. I only have to clean the roller one time, at the very end of my project.

Here are the steps I take to store my paint roller without cleaning the paint off for use the next day:

1. Remove any excess paint using a piece of newspaper or cardboard

It’s not necessary to get all of the paint off, but the idea is to get enough off so that the roller is not dripping with paint.

2. Place the roller in a plastic bag.

I put my rollers in a gallon Zip-loc bag and squeeze out as much air as possible, but you can also use plastic wrap. Just be sure to completely seal the roller so that air cannot get in and dry out the paint.

3. Store the roller in a cool, dry place.

If I’m storing my rollers overnight or for more than just a couple of hours, I will also place them in a plastic bag in the fridge. This has always worked really well and my roller is ready to use right out of the bag the next day.

Storing paint rollers with paint still on them is a great way to save time and money. By following the steps outlined above, you can keep your rollers in good condition and ready for use whenever you need them. Happy Painting!

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