Why is my Garage so Humid?

A garage can serve a lot of purposes whether it’s parking your cars, storing tools, sports equipment or toys, a woodworking shop or mudroom, making it an important part of a home. Most of the time garages are not climate controlled and therefore are affected by outdoor weather conditions. Not to mention the large doors, if left open, make it even more susceptible to outside temperatures or conditions.

Your garage may be humid if it has recently rained and it is very warm outside, especially if, like most garages, it is not temperature controlled. The humidity in your garage can be even worse if you leave the doors open during or right after the rain storm. There is often no circulating air in the garage, which can make the problem worse and can lead to bigger issues, like mold and mildew.

why is my garage so humid

Below are several possible reasons that may cause your garage to be humid:

  1. Poor ventilation: If your garage doesn’t have enough ventilation, moist air can get trapped inside. This is especially true if you already live in a very humid or wet area.
  2. Leaks: If your garage has leaks, it can allow moisture to enter the space, which can contribute to higher humidity levels.
  3. Humid climate: If you live in a region with a humid climate, this can cause higher humidity levels in your garage, even if it is well-ventilated and doesn’t have any leaks.
  4. Lack of insulation: If your garage isn’t properly insulated, it can allow moisture from the outside air to enter the space.

What is the ideal humidity level in the garage?

The ideal humidity for your garage is basically the same as it is for your home. Usually, the humidity in your garage should fall somewhere between 40 – 50%. You can purchase an inexpensive gauge called a hygrometer to regularly check the humidity levels in your garage.

You want to be sure you keep the humidity level below 50% because mold can begin to form if there is too much moisture in the air for prolonged periods of time. If you find that your humidity levels are consistently higher than 50%, you need to consider ways to increase airflow and ventilation in the area.

We often do not have any issues with humidity unless we are having very rainy weather. We have installed fans in our garage and if we are going to have very wet weather, we begin to run the fans before and during the rain to keep the humidity levels down. This is especially true during the hot summer months because the moisture and the heat create the perfect humidity levels for mold.

How to reduce humidity in the garage

If the humidity in your garage has become a concern, there are several steps you can try to reduce the humidity level. These include:

  1. Improving ventilation: Ensuring that your garage has adequate ventilation can help to reduce humidity levels by allowing moist air to escape. Adding fans is a great idea if you live in an especially humid climate.
  2. Fixing leaks: If your garage has any leaks, it’s important to fix them as soon as possible to prevent moisture from entering the space.
  3. Using a dehumidifier: A dehumidifier can help to reduce the amount of moisture in the air in your garage, which can help to lower humidity levels. Along with fans, the dehumidifier can pull the moisture from the air when you are combatting really high levels of humidity.
  4. Adding insulation: Proper insulation can help to prevent moisture from entering your garage from the outside, which can help to keep humidity levels down.

If you are concerned about the humidity in your garage, be sure to consistently monitor it with a hygrometer. Knowing that several factors can contribute to high humidity levels in a garage like proper ventilation, sealing any leaks or gaps, and using a dehumidifier can all help you to address this issue.

By taking these steps to reduce the humidity level, you can keep the garage dry and prevent any potential mold or damage to your possessions or the structure of the garage itself. Overall, taking the time to address high humidity in your garage can help to improve the overall comfort and functionality of this important space.

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